
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

It's 10:30, and like every other day, the other guys are all still asleep. I've fallen into a complacency that is content with watching the ship sink because there is nothing I can do about it. I can stress out and be a pain in everyone's ass, or I can just let it roll off my back and stay mentally healthy. I take the later. So all I can do is issue the orders and if they don't get done, I can only point to the problem. Now, let it be known that this is an abnormal reaction for me, but I'm left with little choice. Since I cannot control how or what news is gathered, I can't be responsible for the fact that it isn't getting done. Either I get full responsibility or none.
The 10 days since Kandahar has not been good, obviously. I feel like I'm in jail, even though I can leave. I am just waiting as the time ticks away, trying to be available in the event I'm needed. Mix this up with the fact that the news here in Kabul is nearly non-existient, time is just crawling by.
All of this has been dragged down even further with the extra stress of finding new employment after this gig is over next month. Then the horrible news a last week that a good friend of mine was in a motorcycle accident last week and just passed away on Monday. Oh yeah, and my wretched back just healed (still a little sore). What a run!! Wow.
Anyway, all the sitting is driving me a little nuts. I may end up going down to Ghazni for a few days to do a couple of stories. I'm a little weary of that now that I'm short, but I'm not sure how many more days I can sit around trying to motivate this office into productivity.

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