
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Sunday, January 05, 2003

Wow... what a concept: Blogging. Everyone wants to be a writer. Everyone has something to say. Everyone has a world of their own. As for me, my career started many years ago, I suppose. I was just nine when the most incredible movie, ever, came out: Star Wars. That set my (and millions of others) imagination off the deep end.
I remember writing science fiction that very closly resembled that of George Lucas' world. That led into Dungeons and Dragons and stories filled with fantasy. That was during the era in which I won my first (and only) award from writing.
The story was about a man that thought he was losing his mind. Who actually believed he had a connection with Satan. Of course, this leads him to the couch of a pessimistic shrink who sleeps his way through his troubled patients' sessions. One evening as this doctor prepares to leave his office, he gets a dose of reality from none other, than Satan. My award came from the University of Michigan and being just a 7th grader... I was quite thrilled. In fact, I remember being called to the office that day. I was wearing one of those late-70's perferated NFL jerseys that Sears used to market. It was an LA Rams jersey. By the tiime I got to the office, the fear of what I had done (which I had no clue what that was), had me completely sweating through my shirt. Iguess I always remember this moment so well because it was a point of two firsts in my life: Winning an award for writing and sweating through my shirt.
That would be the last time I wrote non-fiction. From that point my interests took a nose dive into history. In particular, World War II. History to me is an amazing concept. There's many "amazing" concepts in ones life. For me, it's space and time. It's hard for me to feel and understand history; what it smelled like, what it looked like. In all reality, it looks like it does today obviously, but there's just something about history that I can't get enough of.
In college, I spent a little time writing for the "Indiana Daily Student" in Bloomington, spending a couple of semesters on the editorial board. By this time in my life, I had served in the Marine Corps and was working toward a degree in Political Science. I was also writting opinions and columns for underground magazines while fronting a politically active hardcore band. It's a time in my life that I can look back on and see how my adult personality formed. It was a time that propelled me into a future of ever changing challenges that continue to make my life ever evolving in a most odd way.
I became a shit eating dog in the corporate world, which helped me make a decision to leave it and use my talents to help people in a productive way, including using these forums. That's why I'm here. Why I left the world of broadcast journalism for the impoverished lifestyle of an "independent" journalist is something everyone should know. My new sense of direction since then has taken me from Honduras to Iraq. These are also stories that everyone should know.

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