
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Monday, July 12, 2004

You know you're procrastinating when your father needs to remind you to finish your blog. I do apologize, but it has been so nice sitting around doing nothing.
Back in Istanbul, though, it was a bit crazy for a few days. When we landed, I jumped out of the plane and got all the shots you need to get when a president steps off. The real challenge was to get my luggage. Since I wasn't in the official entourage, I had to somehow get the authorities to believe that my luggage needed to go with me. To their credit, they worked with me and I was able to get my stuff quickly. Too quickly actually. Hell, I could've grabbed the president's suitcase for all they knew, but I didn't, and I quickly made my way to a taxi.
By the time I showed up at Ihlas (headquarters), I was sweating and looked like near death. To my credit, I had about 200lbs of gear and was humping it alone.
The reception in the newsroom was mild, but nice. Many of the people had never met me, so I got a lot of those "so that's Dave Tate" type of looks. That works out fine, because very few can understand a word I say.
For the next two days I don't do much but surf the net and work on a new contract. Right in the beginning of negotiations, my boss tosses down a $1,200 "extra" bill from my last stay. Nevermind that they put you up in a 5-star hotel. It did surprise me, but like the people say, "It is a 5-star hotel you know".
So I decide rather quickly to re-sign for another four months. I got several of the issues I needed addressed taken care of. Leadership: They made me bureau chief, which is fine. I can do without the headache, but I know if I let someone else do it, it will drive me crazy. So far the decision making here is a bit deficient.
I was also able to talk them into getting us internet as well as a small expense account that will go a long way in Afghanistan as well as helping me get a local phone.
Unfortunately, I also found out that the company plans on giving away video to potential clients for two months, in order to get them used to our service. It's a new concept I hadn't heard of. Considering I work on commission, this is very bad news. I feel a bit duped. I'm still working this out, but it does have me concerned.
Then came the plane ticket. Of course no one got the ticket taken care of until I got to Istanbul, which in short, ended up with me only able to get a ticket to Philadelphia (and that still cost $350 to exchange). IHA didn't want to buy the final leg after that, so they told me to rent a car. Great, after 20 hours of traveling, they want me to rent a car for the final leg. Whatever, I just want to get home. Not only that, but a couple of pieces of gear was lost and I'm expected to pay for it... grrr. I swear if this wasn't such a great moment in history, I would not be coming back.
The bright news is that my friends, Eddie and Mike, came all the way to Philly to pick me up. That, I must say, rocked. Tough to find friends like that!!. The good news is quick because the airport lost my luggage and sent me home empty handed. Although the drive home was a blur, the next two days were miserable because my luggage was MIA.
The best part of coming home, though, was walking into the house (3:30 am) and seeing my wife getting up off the couch. I just grabbed on to her and gave her the longest hug I have ever given. It was so good to finally be home. We stayed up until daylight talking and catching up. I showed her some pictures and just spent the time once again enjoying her company. There is no doubt that the hardest part about the past three months has been missing my wife. It truly helps me understand better the soldiers and marines I cover daily.
So I plan on taking a few weeks off to enjoy life in general, but check back starting around August 2nd, and I should start off on another adventure to Afghanistan soon thereafter.

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