
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Wow... my ship keeps taking on water.

Woke up today to the plesantry of the voices of my new roomates. That's right, two more non-english speaking Turks. Yipee.
The news continued to get better. I decided to go to the ISAF press conference early today because I need to get out of Kabul. Mysteriously losing the trip to Salerno has me on the warpath.
So I track down the U.S. PAO to find out what the deal is. He claims that they shaved off a couple of spots and that I was the one to go. I then find out from a friend that Army at Salerno felt slighted when I left the FOB last month to join the marines. So now I'm not allowed a spot there anymore. Great, eh? The top FOB in Afghanistan people want to go to and I can't. We'll be trying to fix this obviously. Now any trip out of Kabul is up in the air and it's driving me nuts.
A silver lining came to my day when I was sitting on the roof studying Dari. Down below and across the street, I see a little kid carefully get into the very nasty gutter and pull out fruit drink container someone just threw down. The kid carefully wiped it off and did what he could to polish off the juice.
At this time I decided I could make a wish happen. This kid wishes he had a cool drink, and in a few minutes, he will. I decided I had enough Dari and I climbed down from the roof and went out of the gate to the street. By then the boy had hooked up with what probably was an older sister, maybe 10. The two, hand in hand, went off begging, following some guy down the street.
By the eime I got out of the store with three drinks, the kids were gone, but I knew they couldn't be far. I walked around the busy circle looking for them in all directions and like usual, I saw them down the last street possible. They moved quick and were hitting up Turkilsh contracters a few blocks down, to no avail. So I started hoofing it as toward them as they held hands and walked down the road.
Soon they went around a corner and I picked it up a little. I was getting a wierd feeling I was being watched. People probably thought I was a perv. Once I rounded the corner, I was picking up the distance on them. Just one more block.
Finally, a few minutes is all I need and I yel, "Hey". The kids turn around and run toward me. This is different then in the country. Kids there are very weary of strangers. Regardeless, not these ones.
Both come running at me with hands out asking for money. The boy looks about 5, but seems small for his age. The girl around 10 and shy looking. I open my bag and show them the drinks and the boys eyes lighht up. "Mister!". I ask the best I can if they want them and the say they do. I give the girl her choice and the boy happily gets the remainder. A quick thank you and off they go.

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