
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Usually I get up every day at 6:00, unless it's a day when I have a set appointment. Today I had to be at Camp Phoenix at 8:00, which means I got to lay around until 7:20. What a luxury.
One of the things that stands out when lying around is the number of flies that are in my room at all times. They are one of the most annoying aspects of Afghanistan. Flies everywhere and they have no fear. They land on the tip of your nose they're so bold. Drives me crazy.
Now that I have shaken my fear of driving in this crazy place, II seem to have lost some of my anxiety. That was clear as I was driving to my story this morning. I didn't feel dependent and it felt good.
At Camp Phoenix, Major Bloom is in a meeting and the guy that was supposed to pick me up doesn't show for more than a half hour. All I could think about was a half hour more of lying around.
I finally meet up with Major Bloom and we chat a bit about the ANA before getting ready to climb into a soft convoy with the general for the trip down the road to see the ANA graduation.
While we're waiting, I see a familiar face... It's Ben Fenwick! I went with Ben to Kandahar the first week I was here and we seemed to be quite compatible. Nice guy and glad to see him once again.
About 9:15, we all climb into our respective trucks, all of them white Dodge-type 4x4's. A three truck convoy that included Brig. Gen Thomas Mancino, CO Task Force Phoenix. To make it even better, the root was down the same stretch of road that was ambushed three weeks before.
In that attack, a Norwegian patrol was attacked killing one. Apparently an RPG scored a direct hit on a turret gunner and killed him instantly. Weird that it's happening in the city like that. Shows you that this city defiantly has some anti-western bad guys in it.

I'll have to continue this some other time. I have to get ready to go to Jalalabad. I'll update you in a few days.

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