
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Saturday, April 17, 2004


Two Israeli journalists who claim to be the first Israeli's using Israeli passports to legally enter Afghanistan have been kicked off a U.S. Forward Operating Base (FOB) in the city of Ghazni, in eastern Afghanistan.
The two men, Shaul Schwartz from Corbis and Yoray Liberman of Channel 2 Israel, were told to leave the base less than 36 hours after their arrival.
The journalists were asked to give up pictures and video of an Afghan detainee that they took early Friday morning.
The men protested a Special Forces officer's request to turn over the material and took their complaint to the base commander Lt. Col. David Paschcal of the U.S. 10th Mountain Division. Lt. Colonel Paschcal promptly told them to leave the base for violating coalition regulations that prohibit the use of images of detainees.
Like all journalists working through the coalition in Afghanistan, the two men had to sign a contract that included a stipulation to refrain from gathering such visual images.
The two men said they entered the country legally, using Israeli passports, and had already visited Herat and Kabul, where they were credentialed, before being assigned to the U.S. base in Ghazni.

Figured these fools wouldn't last long. I'll be suprised if their credentials don't get yanked altogether. I tried to tell them to chill and to respect the contract they signed. They were asses to me in return. In fact, the smaller of the two says to me, "Oh, so you're a good journalist." He was implying that since I followed the rules, my ethics are messed up.
About that time, I roostered up (definition below) and asked, "What do you mean by that?". His reply: "Oh, nothing, just drop it." Of course I persisted, considering he challenged my professionalism, "No, smart ass, you opened your mouth. What do you mean?" No reply. Good choice.
Spent the day watching a meeting between the military and the local Loya Jurga (local candidates for election). It was interesting. They hammered out the same stuff: "We need better water, this fixed, that fixed". The interesting part came when a woman showed up, wwhich was part of the conversation. Everyone said that women would have no obstruction to vote. This is a huge deal here because many do not want women to vote.
Afterward, I interviewed her. I asked her if she was scared. She said she wasn't. I found this odd because there is major oppression of women here and MANY men do not want women to vote. There are even cases of women getting acid thrown in their faces for not covering their face in public. Anyway, she says she isn't scared, then proceeded to put on her blue burkha (traditional outfir that covers a woman head to toe) and she left.

Rooster (to rooster) - adjective- This is a Dave word that means my chest puffed out, like a rooster, to show whomever that I mean business.

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