
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Monday, April 26, 2004

It's barely been a month and already I know that I am not going to continue with this company. Some of it has to do with my wife, but the majority has to do with the lack of support offered here in such brutal conditions. I have no car, no phone, and no internet. I'm expected to pay for all of this and I simply refuse.
I've turned many excellent stories, but they don't sell, making this venture not worth the money. All this is, is another good paying internship and nothing more. At 36, I'm tired of internships. It's time to stabilize my life and begin to plan a family, something that I can't do under the current circumstances.
I have quite writing my news director because he fails to write back. None of the needs I've expressed have been addressed and it's clear to me that I add nothing to this company in the way they were expecting when they hired me.
There's this huge expectation that I get video of fighting here in Afghanistan, but people in the high places fail to realize that this war is not your typical war. It's not like Iraq where you can get that type of video on a daily basis. Here, the army controls who goes where and if you're not one of the pet networks, you don't get to go where you need. Even if you get where you need, there's barely a chance of getting the desired video. Add that to my major health problems and relatively poor pay, and my decision is already made. The only way my mind will change at this point, is if they offer me a substantial raise. Even then, it depends on my offers in the states.
I suppose that being out here in this type of job takes a certain breed. I have always thought that I am from that breed. Maybe I am, but it feels like I'm not. Being away from Heidi is killing me and that is one of those things you cannot think about much in order to be successful.
It's probably best this way. At the worst, I will have some incredible experience that will stay with me forever. Ironically, that's the best I can get out of this as well.
I have to ask myself, "Is it worth it?" and "Am I happy?". So far, the answer is "no".
As for missions: The earliest is Thursday to a base called "Salerno" which is near Pakistan. After that, I slated to join up with the Marines in Kandahr. We'll see how it goes. I need the extra time to heal. I'm still sick.

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