
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

There are a few reasons why I write a blog. The first is so that I have a place just to sit and write. I lead a somewhat interesting life and thought others may think so as well. Another reason is so that one day, I can just sit down and print my Blog... WAHLLA! I have a journal of the things I've done. The final reason is to show aspiring freelancers and journos in general, the hard knocks process of getting what you want. Obviously my approach is not your typical "freelance" approach. Nor am I a typical guy. That's what makes good reading, no? I want to show how dizzying this journey can be. From major highs to major lows. The worst type of roller coaster ride imaginable. This is no more evident in my life than right now.

When I was in the Marines, I learned many valuable life lessons. One such epiphany happened while I was standing at the bus stop in the 1400 area of Camp Pendleton back in 1987 or so. Wait and wait. Watch the brush fires get bigger, then wait some more. Finally, I decide to light a cigarette (I USED to smoke) and wouldn't you know, a bus shows up. Turns out, this would happen 90% of the time. Now you can say coincidence, I say it's a sign.
So how does that relate? As you may know, I have slowly begun to abandon my hopes of going to Afghanistan to jump back into the corporate grind. The reasons are primarily financial. So using the epiphany above, you can understand that I am elated, but not surprised to tell you I have a job interview in Istanbul, Turkey. I am currently being courted by an international news agency to cover the "Spring Offensive" in Afghanistan and the ensuing elections. You are now experiencing my high....
So now we have a problem: Job interview in DC tomorrow, job interview in Istanbul next week. What to do? What to say? Feast or famine. When it rains it pours. When you want a bus, light a cigarette.

Email from Turkey:

Our truck is in Kabul. We have a bureau there. we have four men crew in Kabul right now. Two Afganese and Two Turkish. Two cameraman (sx and sp) and a technician and a producer. We will have three more people with the fly away. Size of flay - away is average. 1 diameter dish and around 200 kg equipment.
For revenue estimation. It is hard to say, because it depends on our and your performance. I am sure if we produce everyday an exclusive story, our daily revenue will be more than 10,000 us dollar. It means at the end revenue will be enourmous. But I advice to look this issue for long period. Because *** is always at the hot points of the world. We can cover your transportation expenses. I can provide you a digital camera. if it is possible you can use our cameraman tim to time.
I believe also we can reach an agreement. Lets come Istanbul and speak other details here. Please inform your flight time to us

Your flight and accomodation expenses will be our responsibility.


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