
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Maybe jet lag is catching up, who knows, but I spent much of the day sleeping. Afterall, it is Saturday. I don't like spending too much time idle, so I'm off again to explore Taksim Square which is the place to be as I have earlıer mentioned.
Earlier I was fortunate enough to find an Apple store to replace my fried power supply. Very good news. I can't get it until Monday, so here I sit in an internet cafe.
Today's oddity is that few speak english here, but when Metallica or the Foo Fighters are on the radio, they know the lyrics. I wonder if they know what they're saying?
Enough about me. Please spend some time at the link below and I'll get back to you later.


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