
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I'm not sure how anyone else gets ready to do what I'm about to do, but I am quite sure, it's not like the way I go about it. Right now, I'm trying to finish two MAJOR freelance projects, get my taxes done, prepare to leave for four months, and somehow spend time with my wife.
Yesterday's doctor appointment led to more for my plate. I went there to find out about what type of shots I may need. I was pretty sure I was up to date, but had to double check. He really couldn't give me an answer right away, so I asked him for a prescription of Valium, just in case. Last time I went for pain killers. The difference is, last time I thought I would be in the field with refugees and no medical assistance. Won't be the case this time. I'll be more concerned with sleeping.
A few hours after seeing the doctor, he called to let me know I needed a plethora of vaccinations and malaria medicine. So Friday I need to head to the health clinic for Hep A, polio, and diphtheria-tetanus updates. WooHoo!
I'm also trying to figure out more about what I'm walking into. There really aren't a lot of answers coming from the Turks yet. That has me a bit nervous. The good part is that I know we can come to an agreement for this first trip. After that, we'll see. Unfortunately, their lack of answers is causing undo stress because I do not know how to dress, what to bring, etc... I've also been trying to figure out if I'm allowed a weapon while in Afghanistan. The current fave seems to be pulling over cars full of people and executing them. Don't like that much, so I'd rather be armed personally.

To and from the Army:

Thanks. I was actually referring more to when I am in the population and not with troops. Can I have a sidearm? Can we have a Kalashnikov in our office? Just curious. We are not discussing this, but the current trend is to kill journos and workers en route to work, etc... and I'd like to know my options.

Dave Tate

If you mean firearms, they are not permitted while traveling with US forces. You need to bring protective gear, however -- a flak vest and kevlar helmet. And you can certainly carry something like a Leatherman or other similar multi-tool.

// Maj Sater //
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Tate [mailto:dtate38@cox.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:10 PM
To: Sater, Richard MAJ
Cc: MoonSR
Subject: Weapons


I was hoping you could tell me what the Coalition law is in regards to journalists carrying weapons while in Afghanistan.


Dave Tate

So many things to do.

Back here I'm knocking out a project today. Roanoke Catholic is supposed to get with me about finishing their project, but that doesn't seem to be a possibility at this point. We'll see.

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