
Time to once again open my life up a little in order to share the plethora of wealth I'm about to absorb. I'm going to be back in Iraq through September, so hop on board and check back every couple of days, I'll do my best to update as much as possible. Questions? dtate38@cox.net And check out the site I'm working with: http://www.billroggio.com Support independent journalism!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

More bad news. Other than the fact that my house is falling apart: Every once in a while I look up an old employer that I have known since I left his business on fine terms 7 or eight years ago. Usually small talk bs. Sometimes I have popped a comment his way about doing a little philanthropy... It is for PBS afterall, right? He's never given me an impression he isn't interested in what I try to do. So I figured with my nice looking grant proposal, a big newspaper article, and a real sense that what I'm talking about is valid, I decided to make "the" approach. Actually reduced to begging from rich people. I know I can make this work for $10,000... Shouldn't be too hard. I mean afterall, it is tax deductible.
So with my best in hand I head up to his office. The last time I was here, I didn't meet up with Richard, but did give his long time assistant, Gayle, a package with some information. I heard nothing. So the question is: Is he, or is he not interested? Obviously, I assume he is NOT, unless he's so busy he never saw the first package. To be sure, I ask for Gayle again. Like usual, she greets me with a smile. I ask her in a hushed tone if she thought Richard may be interested, or if I was wasting my time. She told me I was wasting my time. Richest guy in town, too. At least she was candid and nice about it. That's all I needed. So I left.
From here it was off to a local high school to pick up some tapes for a basketball memory tape I'm working on. Just enough to cover the truck for a couple of months (what about that $900/month consolidation loan!!!). Thirty miles later I was at the radio station doing a generic national piece on Bush's retarded idea for a constitutional amendment. I have NEVER heard of someone interested in spending so much money for so many different things. He has no focus. Whatever... his point made, conservative base solidified, and now another election about sex... or is it war? It's the economy STUPID!
Got a few hours off because I agreed to work late to cover "The Passion". Missed the first 55 minutes, the last 80 was a non-stop ass whoopin' for poor Jesus. Whether or not he was the Messiah, you all debate that. If the punishment he endured as a man was half that depicted, it would be amazing. Brutal as it gets. I left the theater like I did after Private Ryan. Wow. Anti-semetic? I can see where there will be fallout. As a spiritual guy with no real "God" (yet), I certainly felt like the movie made the Romans out as trying to spare Christ's life. The Jewish elders demanded death... and so it was. So why would this be inciteful? Sitting there as a non-believer, I was getting a bit pissed at the "Jews". Of course for me, it was the "movie" Jews and I was absorbing it in a historical light, albeit not necessarily "the gospel". However, I have found over the years to be a bit more socially educated than the better part of my environment, wherever I've been (except U of M). With that said, I can see how ignorance mixed with this movie could having a long-lasting negative effect. I also wonder how young people who see this will look at the story of Christ now. I wonder if Mel Gibson's legacy to the world (other than the legendary "Mad Max") will not be unlike that of King James and his pesky re-writes. I think this because as I grew up, I envisioned Christ being nailed to the cross, but I certainly could have never imagined the image I NOW have about this event. Messiah or not, according to Gibson, this man endured like very few have ever endured. ***PARENTS*** Talk to your kids FIRST and explain the historical aspect of this event. Do not breed more ignorance and hate!!
I kind of liken the Jewish judges to that of my image of Sistanni in Iraq today. These men wield unwavering power and probably much more so 2,000 years ago. I can believe the Jews were threatened and I can believe they would crucify Jesus as a blasphemer. Happened all the time in every culture known to man, then through the early 1900's you could argue... or later. Certainly nothing at all to hold anyone, race, or creed responsible for.
Movie let out around 9:00 and the crowd looked like they just got in a car wreck. Three theaters for a sneak peak the night before official release. All predominately filled with congregations from two churches. The movies were separated by... maybe a minute. So as I walked into each theater to see the crowd size, I walked into the exact scene three times in a row... just like a movie!!! I swear, I'll give a million bucks to find anyone else that has every had that happen!
Inside, the crowd was glued to the screen. One person left the time I was there (and came back). Many people holding their hands over their eyes or mouth (or both). I confess, the spike to the hand scene and the spear scene and the... the whole thing made me ache. As realistic and brutal as you will ever see I'd imagine. And it was that look that spilled out into the lobby in three waves.
So my job is to get reaction, go back to the station and do three wraps, four teases, and four headlines... plus three slugs. It's 9:30, been going since 10:00 am. Did I mention my ND also wanted some cuts and copy on local gay reaction to the president's idea. Luckily, I know lotso gay people. Unluckily, I'm a perfectionist and felt bad about my earlier work... So I had to make tomorrow's work rock.
I did three similar, yet different stories. The first was with a bite with a guy talking about interpretation and how everyone's is different. The other two were with different woman that were visibly moved by what they just saw. A lot of folks I talked to were having trouble processing the movie. I guess I can understand that if you have Jesus in your heart and saw that. Most here tonight did. It'll be interesting to see the rest of the world's take.
One more thing: Got an email from the Major in Afghanistan. At least the idea is not completely out of the question. In fact, I think it would be interesting to see the story begin here in the states. We'll see.

Dave --

Unfortunately, it's next to impossible. We've tried to fight this before and lost every time. All flights coming here are coming here for a reason -- to transport troops, supplies, equipment, or mail into the theater of operations ... It's very difficult to justify giving a slot to a reporter, unfortunately. An possible exception is if you are embedded with a unit from the US -- you would travel with that unit and remain with it throughout your visit.

Once you get in country, however, we can provide transportation because we have regular re-supply flights and a variety of airframes (fixed wing and helo), so it's much easier.

// Maj Sater //
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Tate dtate38@cox.net
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 7:46 PM
To: Sater, Richard MAJ
Subject: Query


I realize the rules of MAC flight usage, but was wondering regardless: What's the chance I can catch a MAC flight from the states to Bagram? I think it would be an interesting view for my story.

Dave Tate

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